Welcome to DADARS (2022)
Welcome to the website of the Derby and District Amateur Radio Society (DADARS). The Society incorporates the ‘Derby Wireless Club’ which was established in 1911 and is one of the oldest radio clubs in the world.
Jim G3NAJ instructs A1706 on a repair of the Cheshire home transceiver at the “50 Years of Radio” exhibition in Derby Museum in 1961 using GB3ERD to celebrate 50 years of the Club.

DADARS Glebe farm Littleover, National field day station 1951
Gil G2OU operating his home made 10 watt transmitter

It is regret that we have to announce the winding up of DADARS. No future meetings will take place.
This website will remain frozen in memory of over 100 years of amateur radio acticity in Derby
Jenny, G4EYM (Vice Chairman)