
G3SZJ 1965 Shack

Became A1706 in 1958, gaining six years of listening  experience before being first licensed in 1964 after taking the CW test during the same year.  My favourite band was 40 metres using both CW and AM.  I also operated on 2 metres with a homebrew crystal controlled transmitter and modulator and on 70 cms with video from a flying sport scanner. The adjacent photograph shows my 1965 shack constructed from Dexion type racking. 
G3SZJ Shack  
On the top shelf is a type 10 calibrator and absorption wave meter.  Next shelf down is the homebrew two metre QQVO3-10 ten watt crystal controlled AM/FM transmitter and power supply. Modulation for the transmitter was supplied by a pair of 6BW6 valves in push pull that produced about 10W of audio.  The receive side was a Withers 144 -146 MHz converter, a pre-amplifier and a Hallicrafters receiver used as a 28 - 30 MHz variable IF.

The HF station was a kit built Hallicrafters HT 40, 75 Watt transmitter and power supply driving a 40 m dipole via an ATU.  A Heathkit VFO provided frequency control.  On the bottom shelf is a HRO receiver complete with all the band coils and a Lafayette HE 40 receiver.

Another interest of mine is Direction Finding.  In the past, Derby and District Amateur Radio Society ran local DF runs that I used to enjoy.  In later years I provided the hidden station.

I have remained active and had a contact nearly every morning on the way to work with Richard G3VGW on SSB or FM VHF/HF around 8.00 AM.  We started this net in 1973 and still keep it going daily despite both of us being retired.

My first mobile operating was done on 160 metres on a scooter in the late 1960. During the early 70’s  I operated CW mobile from a Renault 4 using a Trio TS 520 but had a near 'miss' working G3FGY on 80 metres and decided it was probably dangerous!   Today, I operate mostly mobile on HF and VHF/UHF, all modes (except CW, and RTTY) using a Yaesu FT857 and Trio TM732 on 144/433 MHz.   I have had France and US licences and operated in most EU countries using a reciprocal/CEPT licence.  At home I have a vertical antenna for 40 - 10 metres, a trapped dipole for 80 and 40m, verticals for 6m to 70 cm and a 6 metre beam in the attic.

My wife, Jenny, decided it was probably better to join me in Amateur Radio. She became G8KMC and then later G4EYM and also took a great interest in DADARS, serving as Honourable Secretary and later Vice Chair, a position she still holds.

73 Martin G3SZJ

My Involvement in DADARS
The Derby and District Amateur Radio Society (DADARS) played a significant role peaking my amateur radio interest and involving me in a wide range of club activities.

I joined the club during the 1950's and became a Committee member in 1959. For over 14 years I organised the Derby Radio Rally, with lots of help from other Club members, including the move from  Rykneld School to Littleover School in Derby. I continued to organise the last few years of the rally there until the costs became excessive in 2001.

I became the club Honourable Treasurer, a job I am still doing, after Fred G2CVV suffered a heart attack in 1984. I also took over as Honourable Secretary in the mid 1990.  I served as Secretary and Tresurer until 2009, when Clive 2E1HVZ became Secretary.

In recent times, I have been heavily involved supporting the Derby Wireless Club centenary year in 2011.  Some years ago I made a promise to old friends to ensure that I would do my best to see DADARS and Derby Wireless Club reach the 100 years centenary. Now it has happened, I only wish they were around to witness the event.

The club centenary was an outstanding success and I think we are the first 'local' club (with a continuous record) that celebrated this amazing achievement. However, I am glad we don't have to do it every year!