
Dave G1VAB - Silent Key

Our dear friend Dave, G1VAB, passed on peacefully during March 2017 after a short illness. The sudden timing and the premature nature was a shock to us all. 

Dave was a ‘key’ player who helped organised the ‘Derby Wireless Club’ centenary year celebration in 2011. He had a vision of operating every weekend for a year from public venues using the callsign G1OOD. His goal was to involve the public and raise the visibility of the Club and Amateur Radio.  With the help from a core group of helpers and through sheer enthusiasm, Dave achieved his goal - 2011 was a good year for the Club. 

Typical of most Clubs, the desire to operate Club stations falls to a small handful of people.  In the Derby and District Amateur Radio Society, Dave provided much of that enthusiasm and organised events whenever possible.  As a result, our Club supported: Churches on the Air, Railways on the air, International Museums Weekend, National Mills Weekend, SOS Weekend, Lifeboats, Ecclesbourne Valley Railway and many others.  If he had an island available, Dave would have supported IOTA as well!
Dave was the Club Chairman, a senior member of the United Reformed Church Derby.  He supported motor racing as a safety judicator and had many other strings to his bow.
Dave will be sadly missed.